• NUMBER – The count or frequency.
  • MEAN – The TOTAL divided by the NUMBER (average).
  • TOTAL – The sum.
  • S.D. (STANDARD DEVIATION) – Indicates the variability of the data. Large standard deviations indicate more variability.
  • R by C Table (r x c) – Uses a chi-square to test the independence of rows and columns.
  • ANOVA (One-Way Analysis of Variance) – Uses the F statistic to test the homogeneity of a set of means.



(you specify)

AD HOC lets you choose how to access and analyze any data in your databases on your desktop with immediate follow-up runs to analyze any areas in your output that generate questions.


RANKING gives you the option of ranking your days or charges output by number, mean, total or standard deviation. Rank by “TOP” or “ALL”:

  • TOP” creates a line of output for the top (ranked) number of levels you specify. ACMI sorts and ranks the result for every value of the data field you choose and outputs any number of lines you request, e.g., TOP 25.


  • ALL” creates a line of output for every distinct code of the data field you choose.  ACMI sorts and ranks the result for every value of the data field and outputs a line for every code.


INCIDENCE of Diagnoses or Procedures searches all of the Diagnosis or Procedure fields coded in each record for a match.


DRILL DOWN gets more information on records in any line of your output. Only those records in the line you select are used in subsequent output. Multiple drill downs are allowed. You may drill down to individual records.